  Meeting Materials


ESRD Stakeholders Meeting
Sponsored by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services

March 25, 2004

9:00am - 5:00pm

Marriott's Renaissance Harborplace Hotel
Baltimore, Maryland
(800) 535-1201
Group code for special conference hotel rate: "CMS CMSA".

There will be no fee charged for attendance at the ESRD Stakeholders meeting.
However, registration will be limited to 250.

Register Now

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services invites you to participate in the ESRD Stakeholders Meeting.

Topics will include Medicare's Dialysis Facility Compare Website, and plans for developing a hemodialysis patients' experience of care (CAHPS) survey.

Medicare's Dialysis Facility Compare website has recently undergone an evaluation and revisions will be ongoing over the next year as CMS implements the "Next Generation" features for its websites that are resident on Medicare.gov. The ESRD Stakeholders Meeting will provide you with an opportunity to hear about the findings and recommendations from the evaluation and to discuss ideas for how the Dialysis Facility Compare website can be improved in the future.

Medicare and the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality have been engaged in background research and development for a standardized survey instrument to measure hemodialysis patients' experience of care. The instrument is similar to patient experience of care surveys (CAHPS surveys) used in other healthcare settings. The survey will be in draft form at the time of this meeting. The ESRD Stakeholders Meeting will provide you with an opportunity to learn about the process used for developing the draft instrument and plans for pilot testing.

Research Triangle Institute is coordinating the ESRD Stakeholders Meeting for the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.
